Alle die dachten, Live spielen ginge nur mit Ableton, werden jetzt eines besseren belehrt. Denn nach einer ausgiebigen Betaphase geht Ende März die langerwartete DAW Bitwig an den Start. Ein weiterer großer Player mit Wurzeln in Berlin.
Nun ist es soweit – Bitwig hat mit dem 26. März einen Termin für den Launch der Software nach Jahren der Entwicklung angekündigt. Der Launch geht einher mit einer Tour-Demo, die bis Ende April erst einmal in verschiedenen Städten in Holland Halt machen soll. Auf dem Programm stehen Rotterdam, Den Haag, Amsterdam und noch einige weitere Stops. Und für alle Technikfreaks haben wir die Liste der einzelnen Features der DAW hier festgehalten.
Folgende Features sollen im Paket Bitwig angeboten werden:
› Cross-platform DAW (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux)
› Intuitive non-linear sequencing for the studio and beyond
› Full multi-core and multi-processor support
› VST 2.4 support with built-in 32/64-bit bridging and plug-in crash protection
› Proprietary time-stretching technology
› Multi-display support for up to 3 displays
› Tabbed document interface for multiple projects open at once with drag-and-drop between them
› Over 50 included devices, including conventional Instruments (Polysynth, FM-4, Organ,
Sampler and analog-style Drum Modules) and FX (Delays, Equalizers, Compressors), as well
as Container devices (to build parallel instrument or effect chains), Note FX, and Modulator devices (additional controllers like LFOs and step sequencers for modulating any other device).
› Unified Modulation System: Use Macro Controls, Note Expressions, LFOs, and Envelope Followers to modulate any device parameter, including nested internal devices and even VST plug-ins
› Advanced layered editing
› Note and Audio expressions, including per-note Micro-Pitch Control
› Dynamic Object Inspector: Select multiple notes or events and edit them together with the
interactive parameter histogram, easily adding variations as you go
› Automatic sample slicing to both Sampler or Drum Machine
› Multiple audio events per clip: Automatically cut up samples and rearrange them on the fly in
the Detail Editor
› Dedicated Device Panel Mappings with color-coded knobs and buttons for an overview
at a glance
› Support for various MIDI controllers out of the box
› Sound Content: Over one thousand presets and sounds, 3 GB of factory content:
Drum Machines (808, 909… Percussion), Acoustic Drums, multi-sampled instruments like Wurlitzer, Rhodes, Vibraphone, Marimba, Acoustic and Electric Bass, Sampled Drum and Instrument loops, Various Sound FX, and additional partner content
› Open Controller API: Create and customize functionality for virtually any MIDI controller, including scripting access to nearly every feature of BITWIG STUDIO