Wenige Tage nach der Klage gegen Disclosure wehrt sich jetzt das Bruderduo aus dem Königreich. Die Vorwürfe, einige Songtexte zu ihren Tracks, unter anderem Latch stammen nicht von ihnen, seien komplett falsch.
Disclosure und die Sängerin Aluna George, die die Vocals zu einiger Disclosuresongs geliefert hat, stecken in Schwierigkeiten. Die britische Songschreiberin Katie Farrah Sopher behauptet, die Lyrics zu “White Noise”, “You and Me” und auch zum Superhit “Latch” stammen von ihr. Auch Aluna Georges Solonummer “Attracting Flies” sei von ihr geschrieben worden. 200.000 Pfund will sie nun an Schadensersatz erklagen.
Gewaltätiger Ex-Freund hätte Songtexte gestohlen
Doch wie soll Disclosure an die Texte von Sopher gekommen sein? Angeblich hätte Sean Sawyer, der Ex-Freund” von Sopher ihr Songbuch geklaut und es kam auf diesem Wege in Georges Hände. Inspiriert sollen die Texte übrigens von der gemeinsamen Zeit Sawyers und Sophers sein, in denen offenbar Gewalt eine Rolle spielten. Sawyer dementiert diese Vorwürfe.
Lest hier das Statement von Disclosure zu den Vorwürfen:
“Hi all,
Just wanted to post a little something for our fans who may have read the blogs in the last couple of days and help clear up some speculation that has been circulating, to do with whether or not we wrote the lyrics to some of our songs.
Firstly we want to make it very clear that every Disclosure song we have put our names to has been written by us. We sometimes write lyrics and melodies along-side whoever the featured singer may be (i.e. Sam, Eliza etc) and the great Mr. Jimmy Napes, but that is it. When we do, we always make sure everyone gets proper credit. We take great pride in our self sufficiency, our work and the way we work, and it’s incredibly frustrating when someone tries to take that away from us, by claiming we stole even one word or one note of our music from anyone.
We’d much rather be working on more music than commenting on these type of things, but it felt like we had no choice…
So, just to be clear, all allegations made against us to do with this subject are completely false, as anyone we have ever worked with will back up. We didn’t get into this industry to steal other people’s ideas and we haven’t – we are musicians, artists and producers.
In better news… Album 2 is niiiiicely underway!”