Amsterdams Kultclub “Trouw” will 2015 schließen. Das teilten die Veranstalter auf ihrer Website mit. Einen Grund geben die Betreiber nicht an, allerdings neue Richtlinien.
Im Januar startet das letzte Jahr von Trouw. Ab dann gibt es keinen Onlinevorverkauf für die regulären Clubabende mehr. Damit will sich das Trouw wieder mehr Freiheit für sich und die Gäste ermöglichen, da enorm viele Veranstaltungen bereits im Vorverkauf ausverkauft seien. Das schließe viele Leute aus.
Keine Photos mehr erlaubt
Ausserdem verbietet das Trouw ab 2014 das Fotografieren im Club. Nach Vorbild des Berghains und der Panorama-Bar sind Smartphones mit Kamerafunktion und Fotoapparate nicht erlaubt. Jeder Trouwgänger solle sich frei nach dem Motto “Was im Trouw passiert, bleibt im Trouw” ausleben. Dazu gehöre es auch, eine einzigartige Athmosphäre zu schaffen, ohne dass diese durch Bilder nach aussen getragen werden.
Lest hier das Originalstatement der Betreiber:
From the first of January we’ll be entering the last year of Trouw. We’re incredibly excited to take the last year to an absolute climax. It also means that a couple of things will change for us in the last year.
From the first of January we’ll be stopping with online presale for our regular club nights and club photography all together. The reason for this decision is because we want to protect the freedom Trouw provides and in a sense give this freedom back to our visitors. Currently, we’re witnessing that a lot of popular events sell out completely in presale, which automatically excludes a lot of people. But possibly of even greater importance: the excitement surrounding the nights, the spontaneity and the freedom are being jeopardized. In the last year we want to make sure that we don’t become part of this hype. We want people to come to Trouw for the artists, the music and the freedom. Trouw is where the magic happens, and we want everyone to be completely ‘in the moment’.
No cameras
We go the club to lose ourselves in the music, to escape our daily activities and to together form a temporary family for one night in the club. Therefore, we hope that everyone will disregard their phone/camera more frequently and enjoy the moment to the fullest. We hope that when the cameras are gone, a feeling will emerge whereby everyone can do, act and wear whatever he/she pleases. What happens in Trouw, stays in Trouw.
Only door sale for regular club nights
We’ll be making exceptions for concerts and special club nights like Ontrouw, which means we WILL sell tickets in advance for these type of events. We’ll also be creating a system on our website where you can check the situation at the door during the night, which will be updated constantly. This will give you and us more flexibility during our weekenders. We used the system of no presale before during our Lost In A Moment weekender in May, which turned out to be very pleasant for us and our guests.
This policy will go into effect on January 1st 09:00 in the morning, simultaneously with the beginning of Dixon’s set. To clarify: this means there’ll be NO DOORSALE for Trouwens. Come party with us whenever you feel like it, our doors are always open.
Foto: Wikimedia (Creative Common)